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Water In Fuel (WIF) Sensor Wrench XD247

WIF Water in Filter Wrench XD247 XDP
Pricing: $18.95


A must have for any 2012-2016 GM 6.6L and 2013-2018 Dodge 6.7L Diesel owner, the XDP Water In Fuel (WIF) Sensor Wrench XD247 makes it easy to remove and reinstall your factory Water In Fuel (WIF) Sensor. Using XDP's specially designed wrench eliminates the risk of damage to the WIF Sensor from tools like pliers and adjustable wrenches that easily round off the factory sensor.

Constructed from billet aluminum, the XDP WIF Wrench features an anodized black finish for good looks, and long life. As an added bonus, the opposite side of the wrench is slotted to remove the Duramax bleeder screw with ease, also preventing the possibility of breaking or stripping the factory screw head which commonly happens using a screwdrivers.

  • High Quality T-6061 Aluminum
  • Precision Machined To Fit Factory WIF Sensor
  • Black Anodized Finish With Engraved XDP Logo
  • Bleeder Screw Driver On Opposite End (For Duramax Models Only)



Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 1.0 lbs.
  • W4.0000” x H1.0000” x L8.0000”

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